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Image by Patrick Fore

worship and learning resources for all ages

spill the beans

Home: Welcome

issue 53

latest issue


1 December 2024 - 2 March 2025

Advent, Christmas & Epiphany


  • Exclusive Word and World Lectionary 

  • Intergenerational resources

  • Worship and learning material

  • For the global Church with a Scottish flavour​​​​

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Word & World
a new original lectionary from StB

Spill the Beans have created a new original lectionary that is designed to connect the Word and the World. We are connecting events in the world with scripture and the story of faith and hopefully enable congregations to find a creative, fertile crossing point that will create conversation and dialogue. In this latest issue, material is offered for the profound Holocaust Memorial Day as well as the more ridiculous National Ice Cream Day. There's even our favourite: Jelly Bean Day

You can download the whole two year lectionary here. It is also in the latest edition of Spill the Beans. Plus opportunity to engage each other as we travel together and place the church in the marketplace and meet the world.

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spill the beans: immediate past issues


issue 52

second half pentecost 2024



issue 51

trinity-11 august 2024



issue 50

lent and easter


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revised common lectionary

The original first three years (issues 1-12)



revised common lectionary

The second overspill pack

 (issues 33-44)


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narrative lectionary

One four year cycle

(issues 13-27)


spill the beans: overspill packs
complete bundles of RCL, NL, and road less travelled

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all past issues

You can download our narrative lectionary issues, our overspill packs of the first cycle of Revised Common Lectionary and our own 'Road Less Travelled' editions of a lectionary created by readers and writers.


Each issue is £12.

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about us

At the beginning of 2009 a conversation began amongst a couple, then a few, then a group about collaboratively creating resources that enabled us to tell the story of faith in a worship context and within age groups for younger people and teens. Spill the Beans was born as the result of that conversation and has grown and developed over the intervening years.


The ethos has remained the same, however. It is all about story. For we believe story is the lifeblood of faith. In story we can tell the truth and speak with honesty about things for which there are not yet words. Story contains mystery and is the poetry that forms faith. Stories grow as we grow and can reveal new truths at different times in our lives. So we believe giving stories to people is one of the most important things we can do in sharing our faith. Children and adults hold stories in their being and keep coming back to them throughout life. Our culture is stored in story. The same is true for our faith. Spill the Beans is a work of love. None of the contributors are paid for their contributions, these contributions are written and prepared with our own congregations in mind. Instead of working in isolation, we bring this work together, give it some spit and polish, and share it with others. This is how we can keep the cost so low.

In addition, we regularly pay it forward by using surplus monies to support other new ministries and projects.

Image by Patrick Fore
Home: About
Image by Analia Baggiano


Spill the Beans costs £12 per issue so it will cost you £48 over a year. 

We invite you to buy only one issue per congregation and then copy the material as much as you wish for as many are involved in your worship and learning.

Home: Opening Hours


We have already been engaging with a partnership with Scottish Bible Society which has seen the provision of a thematic Intergenerational Event in past issues. This will continue into our new series. 


The team is also delighted that we have begun a creative collaboration with Fischy Music (www.fischy,com). Our shared vision is to introduce new songs with each issue of Spill the Beans. In issue 33 for our new RCL series we introduce two new Advent and Christmas songs: Sharing God’s Christmas Light and The Angels Say.


Music and words are provided in the issue. Downloadable audio tracks (full and backing) are provided online ( This is an exciting new development and we hope you will find the results of this collaboration with Fischy Music a blessing for your worship in the years to come.

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